Garden of Eden Flower Shop Blog

Floral Traditions in Ancient Egypt - from Garden of Eden Flower Shop

Floral Traditions in Ancient Egypt - from Garde...

Happy June, everyone! Hope you are all out in the sunshine, enjoying our break from winter’s cold! This month, we’re going back in time thousands of years to see how...

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Floral Traditions in Ancient Egypt - from Garde...

Happy June, everyone! Hope you are all out in the sunshine, enjoying our break from winter’s cold! This month, we’re going back in time thousands of years to see how...

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Floral Traditions in Ethiopia - from Garden of Eden Flower Shop

Floral Traditions in Ethiopia - from Garden of ...

Welcome to our tour of flower traditions around the world! This month of May, we’re traveling to a country that doesn’t pop up on stories about flowers very often –...


Floral Traditions in Ethiopia - from Garden of ...

Welcome to our tour of flower traditions around the world! This month of May, we’re traveling to a country that doesn’t pop up on stories about flowers very often –...

Floral Traditions in India - from Garden of Eden Flower Shop

Floral Traditions in India - from Garden of Ede...

With the advent of flowers blooming in April, we turn to a country where flowers occupy every aspect of life: India! Many Westerners associate the lotus flower and colorful marigold...

Floral Traditions in India - from Garden of Ede...

With the advent of flowers blooming in April, we turn to a country where flowers occupy every aspect of life: India! Many Westerners associate the lotus flower and colorful marigold...

Floral Traditions in England - from Garden of Eden Flower Shop

Floral Traditions in England - from Garden of E...

Welcome to our floral travel blog to England! England is steeped in floral tradition, especially when it comes to meanings and folklore. Since the time of the druids and pagans...

Floral Traditions in England - from Garden of E...

Welcome to our floral travel blog to England! England is steeped in floral tradition, especially when it comes to meanings and folklore. Since the time of the druids and pagans...

Floral Traditions in Russia - from Garden of Eden Flower Shop

Floral Traditions in Russia - from Garden of Ed...

Welcome again to our tour of floral traditions around the world! Last month we took a trip to Japan; this month, our destination is Russia! Have a girlfriend in Russia? Then...

Floral Traditions in Russia - from Garden of Ed...

Welcome again to our tour of floral traditions around the world! Last month we took a trip to Japan; this month, our destination is Russia! Have a girlfriend in Russia? Then...

Floral Traditions in Japan - from Garden of Eden Flower Shop

Floral Traditions in Japan - from Garden of Ede...

Happy New Year, everyone! Hopefully 2021 will be kinder to us than 2020 was! Last year, we focused on the birth flowers of all twelve months; for this new year,...

Floral Traditions in Japan - from Garden of Ede...

Happy New Year, everyone! Hopefully 2021 will be kinder to us than 2020 was! Last year, we focused on the birth flowers of all twelve months; for this new year,...