Tip of the Week: Watering Machine
Hey there all of you Garden of Eden fans out there and welcome to our latest edition of “Tip of the Week,” where we provide all of you some tips and tricks to keep your indoor flowers and outdoor gardens looking spectacular all the year through! This week, we’re telling you a simple way to make sure your plants are always being watered, even without you being there to do it! Sometime, we need to take a week off to go on vacation. Other times, we just forget. If you fall into either of these water categories, then watering your plants can sometimes be a challenge. However, we have a quick-fix trick that’ll keep your plants hydrated, and without needed the help of the friend. Take a piece of cotton, and cut a thick strip of it. Wrap one end of the cotton around the base of your plant, and drop the other end into a bowl of water. Place the bowl above the plant, and you’re done. It’s that easy! The way this watering method works is through capillary action—water will soak up into the cloth, and travel to the plant. This constant feed will make sure that your plant is nice and wet, but just don’t forget to change out the water when it runs dry! For more quick and easy gardening tricks and tips, be sure to check back to our blog every Monday for our latest Tip of the Week!