Tip of the Week: Walking on Eggshells
Hey there all of you Garden of Eden fans out there and welcome to our latest edition of “Tip of the Week,” where we provide all of you some tips and tricks to keep your indoor flowers and outdoor gardens looking spectacular all the year through! This week, we’re helping you keep your plants going strong by using a commonly-discarded kitchen item. As many experienced gardeners know, a good compost pile can be the key to healthy plants and fertile soil. However, while putting in the obvious compost-able items into the pile, don't forget about some of the obscure compost items, like eggshells! By either adding them to your compost pile or by placing them at the base of your plants, you can provide several important nutrients to your soil that will help your plants stay strong. Not only that, but eggshells also serve as a natural pesticide towards Japanese beetles and slugs, which the former is very common in our region. So the next time you whip up a batch of deviled eggs or bake a cake, remember that your garden can use those eggshells! It's just another little innocuous thing that can have a huge impact on your garden. For more tips, be sure to check back here next week, for another Tip of the Week!