Tip of the Week: Sprucing up Your Spruce

Tip of the Week: Sprucing up Your Spruce

Hey there all of you Garden of Eden fans out there and welcome to our latest edition of “Tip of the Week,” where we provide all of you some tips and tricks to keep your indoor flowers and outdoor gardens looking spectacular all the year through! This week, we're giving you a very simple tip to spruce up your spruce! Have you ever went looking for a Christmas tree, but couldn't seem to find one that's full enough?  Or how about you bring home a great tree, only to find out that there is a large bare spot right in the middle of it, exposing your wall to guests and Santa alike.  Well, if you have found yourself in either of these situations, you can take advantage of a simple tip to fix it. Simply find some green garland, wrap it around the bare spot, and step back to see that hole practically vanish.  It is as easy as that!  Provided that the shade of green matches the shade of your tree, you can expect that bare spot to practically vanish, giving you a much fuller tree without anything knowing the wiser. For more gardening tips and tricks, be sure to check back next Monday for out latest Tip of the Week!
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