Tip of the Week: Pumpkin Protection
Hey there all of you Garden of Eden fans out there and welcome to our latest edition of “Tip of the Week,” where we provide all of you some tips and tricks to keep your indoor flowers and outdoor gardens looking spectacular all the year through! How often is it that you spend countless hours carving the perfect pumpkin, only to find it resulting in a misshapen pile of goo after the trick-or-treat-ers have come and gone? No matter how often, you can count those days as a thing of the past, as today we're coming at you with ways to keep those pumpkins looking great all through the night. The biggest reason as to why carved pumpkins shrivel and disintegrate is a combination of fungus, moisture, and heat. Even without you realizing it, a pumpkin placed outside can prompt a great deal of fungus growth on it, which will expedite the decaying process. One easy way to rid the fungus entails filling a spray bottle with a little bit of bleach and a lot of water, and spraying all around; especially on the spots that have been carved. After that, rub some vegetable oil on those spots, as the oil will act as a water-barrier and keep the pumpkin smelling fresh! Finally, if you are choosing to light your pumpkin this year, make sure that there is enough ventilation to let the heat escape. Regardless of the type of light (candle or lightbulb), the heat can still cause the pumpkin to get a little droopy. Better safe than sorry when it comes to this, so feel free to poke a few last-minute holes into your creature before putting it out for all the trick-or-treat-ers to see! While pumpkins are a cornerstone of the Halloween spirit, so if having a great time and making memories that will last a life time. From all of us at The Garden of Eden Flower Shop, we wish both you and your families a very happy Halloween!