Tip of the Week: In The Heat
Hey there all of you Garden of Eden fans out there and welcome to our latest edition of “Tip of the Week,” where we provide all of you some tips and tricks to keep your indoor flowers and outdoor gardens looking spectacular all the year through! This week, in honor of this insane heat wave that we are in the middle of, we're giving you tips on how to care for your plants in the blistering hot weather. In the world of flora, some plants love being in the heat, like the cactus, while others find it incredibly hard to cope with rising temperatures. One such group of these plants are vegetable plants. Tomatoes, squash, beans, and more will start to droop as a result of high temperatures, which is a telltale sign of a plant not being able to cope well. If you see that your plants are unable to cope with the rising heat, here are a few things you can do. First, and probably the most obvious, is to give it more water. Just like every other living thing, plants need more water intake when it is hot, and providing an ample amount of water just may be the thing to make your plant spring to life again. Water more frequently throughout the day, and provide a little bit more than you usually would. Using shade covers can also be to your benefit. You can buy one for around $20, and they will work wonders to keep your plant out of the blistering heat, and provide a cool sense of relief over them. Just be sure not to leave them on for extended periods of time; plants need some sun, after all! By providing more water and giving your plants shade when it counts, you can help them overcome the heat in these nest few weeks in August. While you're caring for your plants, make sure you watch out for yourself in this weather by drinking plenty of water and taking breaks when necessary! Happy gardening, Garden of Eden fans!