Tip of the Week: Fall Harvest
Hey there all of you Garden of Eden fans out there and welcome to our latest edition of “Tip of the Week,” where we provide all of you some tips and tricks to keep your indoor flowers and outdoor gardens looking spectacular all the year through! This week, we're giving you a tip on what to plant when the weather gets a little chilly, so that you can have wonderful blooms when the temperature finally turns! Despite common belief, there are some plants out there that can be sown in late fall to overwinter, which can almost guarantee you an early harvest come the spring. Some of the most popular crops to overwinter include onions, garlic, peas, spinach, asparagus, cabbage, and Swiss chard. In addition, you can also plant flowers now to give your winter garden a pop of color! Flowers included in this category include the pansy, snapdragon, and the winter jasmine. These flowers, in combination with all of the poinsettias come December, will sure make for a garden scene straight out of a story book. For more gardening tips and tricks, be sure to check back to our blog every Monday for our latest Tip of the Week!