How to Apologize With Flowers
In life, we are all prone to mistakes. Some mistakes may be more severe than others, and some can cause physical or emotional harm to another person. When an event like that happens, always know that there can be forgiveness, and that flowers can help. Join us today, as we tell you how to say "I'm sorry" with flowers the right way. Apologies can be hard, but apologizing with an arrangement of flowers can make the process a whole lot easier. However, not just any flower will do, as there are those flowers that directly symbolize forgiveness. One such flower is the Star of Bethlehem, whose stark white hues say reconciliation. In addition, the Star of Bethlehem also stands for innocence, which can be taken as a move to return to innocence; in a nutshell, asking for a redo. In addition, and arrangement of red and white roses are also an effective way to apologize. While the red rose, as we all know, stands for affection and love, the white rose symbolizes truth and silence, which shows your dedication to righting your wrong. A combination of these flowers gives off the message that even though you have a deep connection to this person, you still made a mistake, and are doing whatever you can to make up for it. However, flowers themselves do not go all the way to give an appropriate apology. Add a card, write a personal note, or deliver them in person to say "I'm sorry" face-to-face. Whatever you do, just be sure to make it personal, be honest, and to be yourself. Apologies can be awkward, but flowers can make it go a little better. Come on in to any one of our locations to talk with one of our experienced florists to see what they can do for you. Tell them your specific situation, and they can whip you up something in no time to convey exactly what you mean!