Garden of Eden Flower Shop Tip of the Week: Spice is Nice to Keep Hydrangeas Alive
Hey there all of you Garden of Eden Flower Shop fans, as well as garden lovers, flower lovers, florist and floral hobbyists alike! Welcome to our new series - Tip of the Week! Each Monday, we will be sharing tiny tidbits with you to assist you on everything floral, as well as your love for flowers! Question: Have you ever experienced placing cut hydrangeas into a vase, only watching them wilt a few hours later? While this doesn't happen every time, we have come across a natural solution to prolonging the life of your beautiful hydrangeas - spice. McCormick's Alum spice to be exact. Just follow these steps:
- If possible, trim the hydrangea stems in the morning, when the weather is cooler.
- Full a pitcher with water and immediately drop the hydrangea stems into the water after trimming them (this is a very important step).
- While you're arranging the stems, trim them once more and then dip the half-inch of the bottom portion into the Alum spice and then complete arranging your hydrangeas.