Feature Flower Friday: Snapdragon - from Garden of Eden Flower Shop
Hi there all of you Garden of Eden Flower Shop (and chocolates and gifts) fans! We'd like to welcome you all to our latest Feature Flower Friday! Each week, we will be featuring a different type of flower, the meaning behind them and the reasons you would give or present them to someone. Today, we're talking all about the Snapdragon. Enjoy: It is said that the Snapdragon's name is derived from the 'snap' it makes when the sides of the flower's "dragon's mouth" are squeezed together. They are widely believed to have at one time been wildflowers originating from Spain and Italy. The legend behind the Snapdragon states that concealing this flower leaves a person to appear fascinating yet cordial. Today, they carry a dual meaning of both graciousness and deception. Perhaps a split-personality flower? When combined with another flower, the overall message presented could be an apology or asking for forgiveness for an indiscretion that was made. On the other hand, when Snapdragons are used in bridal bouquets, the flower could represent wishing for a blessed and fortunate marriage. The uses, and meanings, are really up to you. What versatility!