Feature Flower Friday: Holly
Hi there all of you Garden of Eden Flower Shop (and chocolates and gifts) fans! We’d like to welcome you all to our new Feature Flower Friday! Each week, we will be feature a different type of flower, the meaning behind them and the reasons you would give or present them to someone else. Since it is finally December, we plan to do something a little special for Feature Flower Friday due to the holidays. Each week, we're going to focus on a different traditional Christmas flower, and explain some of the meaning and symbolism behind it. This week, join us as we discuss the holly flower! You may already be decorating your halls with boughs of it, and rightfully so, as the holly is one of the most important Christmas flower out there. With several features of the holly directly paralleling the story of the first Christmas, no wonder why it is so popular! As a flower on itself, the holly stands for domestic happiness and tranquility. However, when looked at through a Christian lens, the meaning becomes deeper. For those who celebrate Christmas, the holly represents both eternal life and the sacrifice of Christ, by its evergreen leaves and red berries respectively. In addition, the pointed leaves symbolize the crown of thorns worn by Christ. However, when putting up these festive flowers, be sure to keep them away from little ones and pets, as the berries are poisonous. No matter how you plan to decorate your home with holly this holiday, know that you can always turn to us for some great arrangements, advice, and of course, fresh holly. Have a great weekend, Garden of Eden fans!