Feature Flower Friday: Gerbera
Hi there all of you Garden of Eden Flower Shop (and chocolates and gifts) fans! We’d like to welcome you all to our new Feature Flower Friday! Each week, we will be feature a different type of flower, the meaning behind them and the reasons you would give or present them to someone else. Join us this week, as we cover the gerbera flower! The gerbera flower is very unique in itself, because technically every flower that is a “gerbera” flower is an entirely different species of daisy. This group of flowers (called a “genus”) was discovered in 1758, and have been a commonplace wedding flower shortly thereafter. When you see this bright, impressive flower, there’s no question as to why many brides choose this flower for their special day. Now, the look of the gerbera flowers is not the sole reason for choosing it as a wedding flower—there’s a whole lot of meaning and symbolism behind those magnificent petals! Overall, they spread messages of happiness and goodwill, but the individual color of the flower can give you a more precise meaning. For example, a white one symbolizes innocence and childhood, whereas a red one stands for immersed love (note how this is different than the red in a rose, which is a desirable or passionate love). This makes a red gerbera less serious than that of a rose, perfect for sending affectionate and loving messages without being too serious. No matter what you plan to use the gerbera flower for, know that the Garden of Eden Flower Shop is here to help! Just come on in, and see what we can do for you. Have a great weekend!