Feature Flower Friday: Coreopsis

Feature Flower Friday: Coreopsis

Hi there all of you Garden of Eden Flower Shop (and chocolates and gifts) fans! We’d like to welcome you all to our new Feature Flower Friday! Each week, we will be feature a different type of flower, the meaning behind them and the reasons you would give or present them to someone else. Join us this week, as we cover the coreopsis flower! Oh the coreopsis flower; a distant relative to the sunflower, and affectionately called “sunray.”  When you look at these beautiful, bright flowers, you realize it is no wonder why they have the popular sun moniker—they are just gorgeous!   Beautiful on the outside, no doubt, but the true beauty comes from the meaning within. Paying homage to its distant relative, the coreopsis flower sends signals of sunshine, happiness, and cheerfulness.  In addition, thanks to its gold-coin-like appearance, it is also associated with luck, good fortune, and even help with gambling.  And for those with a more academic-head on their shoulders, the coreopsis is also said to spiritualize the intellect, making it a perfect flower to annoint a dorm room or an office with. From a gift arrangement to your living room, the coreopsis flower is a great flower to choose.  No matter how you want to bring it into your life, the Garden of Eden Flower Shop is here to help.  Stop on in today and sample our collection of fresh flowers! Have a fantastic weekend!
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