Feature Flower Friday: Chrysanthemum

Feature Flower Friday: Chrysanthemum

Hi there all of you Garden of Eden Flower Shop (and chocolates and gifts) fans! We’d like to welcome you all to our new Feature Flower Friday! Each week, we will be feature a different type of flower, the meaning behind them and the reasons you would give or present them to someone else. Join us this week, as we cover the chrysanthemum flower! Chrysanthemums, or just simply “mums” are one of the most versatile flowers out there—from landscaping to wedding bouquets and even to that salad you had for lunch, these flowers can be everywhere.  However, despite their wide usage, their overall message is pretty consistent. Typically, the chrysanthemum stands for loyalty, love, and good spirits.  Since these flowers do not produce an overwhelming aroma, they are perfect to put around the house or in the yard, all the while showing your guests what you’re all about—friendliness and love for those who matter most.   If you are feeling a little bit more adventurous, you can cook with these magnificent flowers, so long as they haven’t been treated with a pesticide.  There’s tons of recipes online for salads, teas, and even stir-fry, as the Chinese popularized the flower by adding it to their quintessential dish. No matter what you plan to use the chrysanthemum flower for, know that the Garden of Eden Flower Shop is here to help.  With dozens of fresh flowers and a friendly staff ready to assist, you are bound to walk out with what you need—guaranteed. Stop on in today to see what we can do for you!
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